幼少期からピアノやヴァイオリンを習い、中学生の時に趣味で作詞作曲を始めたのをきっかけに「自分も想いや考えを歌にして伝えてみたい」と言う気持ちが膨らみ、独学でDTMを学ぶ。聴く側から創る側の面白さを知り、思春期にはつんくさんや小室哲哉さんが送り出した時代を反映する数々の楽曲に影響を受け、その後Daft Punkなどのフレンチ・エレクトロや、R&B、アニソン、劇伴音楽…など幅広い音楽に興味を持つようになる。
From Kanagawa, Japan, mei started learning piano and violin when she was a child. In middle school, she started composing songs as a hobby. This made her realize she wanted to express herself more through songwriting, so she began to study DTM on her own. Since then, she has truly discovered the joy of creating music.
In her early teens, she was influenced by the music of Tsunku and Tetsuya Komuro that was popular at the time. Subsequently, she became interested in a wide range of music such as French electro including Daft Punk, R&B, Anime songs and soundtrack music. Because she is inspired by such a wide variety of music, her motto is to create music that can attract people’s hearts without being limited by genre.